Saturday, 12 April 2008

Abe Sensei in the North West April 2008

Karate courses with Abe Sensei 8th Dan have been scheduled for the following ;-

  • Oldham Leisure Centre - OL1 3HA
  • Sunday 27th April 2008
  • 9th - 4th Kyu 1pm-2.30pm
  • 3rd Kyu + 2.30pm-4pm

  • Abraham Guest High School, Orrell - WN5 8HN
  • Tuesday 29th April 2008
  • 9th Kyu - 4th Kyu 6pm-7.30pm
  • 3rd Kyu + 7.30pm-9pm

Cost is £15.00 per person ( adult or junior )
